Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cook Takes on Neil Diamond

Well, Top 5 week on this season of American Idol meant the songs of Neil Diamond. I have to say...I was excited. I may not love Neil Diamond himself, but he's got some great songs, songs that could be AMAZING once David Cook got his hands on them and did a little tweaking to make them fit him. Right??? I mean, just imagine...Cookie singing Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon...staring into your eyes...going into those moments where he gets lost in the music and his eyes close for a moment...hitting those amazing power notes. Who would not be *poof* *thud* *dead* over that?!!?!?!?! Or he could have maybe done Red Red Wine. Yeah, I know that UB40 turned it into a Reggae hit, but Cookie could have made it rock. You know he could have.

There were only a few things going into Neil Diamond week that I was dreading. 1 - hearing Archie destroy something like Sweet Caroline or Coming to America (and he destroyed not one, but BOTH!!!) 2 - Cookie doing He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother...I would have been a puddle of tears on the floor...I don't think I could handle it...(and he thankfully saved me from that fate) 3 - David Cook doing Neil Diamond songs that I'd never heard before.

And he did. He chose two songs from Neil Diamond's massive catalogue that I had never heard before. Augh!!! When I heard what he was doing, I went into panic mode. Now, I may not be the biggest Neil Diamond afficionado in the world, so it's not too surprising that I might not know some of these songs...but I know the big hits. I know the ones that people will recognize. And on AI, you need people to recognize your song!!! I was worried for him. I thought this could spell disaster.

I didn't need to worry.

David started us off with I'm Alive, rocking out with the Les Paul. And you know what? I may not have known the song...but I realized that it really, honestly didn't matter. In fact, I came to the conclusion that it was better that I didn't know the song. Because then I couldn't compare him and his version to Neil Diamond and his version of the song (like I couldn't stop myself from doing with Archie...Ugh...Bad bad bad bad BAD! He KILLED Sweet Caroline. But that is not for this blog. Sorry.) And I really, really liked it. It wasn't GREAT like I was hoping for...but it was really pretty good, in a night filled with horror after horror. I've never seen a more disappointing night of AI. Cookie was the one light in the darkness. Anyways...check this out and see for yourself how David did with I'm Alive.

Not bad, right? Right. Well, it didn't end there. This night was the first time of the season when the contestants did two songs each. So David's next song was yet another one that I didn't know. Dammit. Why is he doing this to me? I was worried and panicking and all that jazz again. Especially since everyone (for the most part) was seriously stinking up the joint. But, David was doing a song called All I Really Need is You. The title worked for me. I would be okay with him singing something like that to me. No Les Paul this time, but an acoustic guitar. And he knocked this one out of the park!!! Wow. Gorgeous, sexy voice, sexy song, all the right looks right into the It was almost perfection. The only way it would have been better would be for him to be sitting on my bed with his acoustic guitar and singing to me and only me. I'll leave you to imagine where I'm headed with this. LOL. Anyways...check it out. You know you wanna.

And did you get a load of how HOT he was that night? Seriously. I need a cold shower.

So...I was worried for nothing. You would think that I would realize after all of these weeks, and after all the times I've been worried with him, and how he blew me away time and time again...that there is nothing to worry about. That he is going to make me fall for him harder and harder each time he comes out on that stage. That he can pretty much do no wrong. *sigh*

More soon.

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