Friday, June 27, 2008

SYTYCD - Top 16 - Results

The show started out with a Mia Michaels group routine that seriously made me think it was a Wade Robson routine. Lots of fun. I love to go on trips into Mia's mind.

We then learned that the bottom 3 couples were Thayne and Chelsea, Chris and Comfort, and Kourtni and Matt. I was a bit surprised to see Kourtni and Matt in the Bottom 3 instead of Jessica and Will. Oh well. Each of those 6 dancers performed a solo.







We were also treated to a performance by the dance group Quest, with Dominic and Hok from last season (and some guy named Ryan, supposedly from Season 1 - the only season I haven't seen). They were tons of fun!

EDIT: Quest video replaced with better quality! Enjoy.

And while the judges were deliberating about who would leave the competition, American Idol's Jordin Sparks performed her new solo, One Step at a Time. She really needs a new stylist. Ugh.

At the end of all of that, Chelsea and Chris got the boot. Which means, for the first time in Season 4, we will get a new pairing for next week of Comfort and Thayne. Maybe Comfort can slap the shit out of Thayne and wipe the permagrin off of his face. I'm not holding my breath on that one though, or on the two of them managing to stay out of the B3 next week. We'll see.

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