Friday, July 11, 2008

SYTYCD - Top 12 - Results

Last night, we discovered which dancers would become the Top 10 and head out on tour. The Top 12 danced a hip hop number together, choreographed by Tabitha and Napoleon.

To start the night off, we learned that Phillip Chbeeb has agreed to participate in a Dance-Off with Robert Muraine! Too freaking cool. I can't wait for that. Comfort and Thayne, Jessica and Will, and Kherington and Twitch made up the Bottom 3 couples and would each be dancing a solo to prove to the judges that they deserved to stay. But, before they got to do their solos, three dancers from the Alvin Ailey Dance Company performed. They were AWESOME!







In an elimination that likely suprised no one, Comfort and Thayne were both eliminated after their 4th consecutive trips to the Bottom 3. The judges said they wished they could could have kept Thayne and lost two girls (meaning Jessica would have been eliminated in addition to Comfort), and I couldn't agree more. Sadly, the format of the show requires an even number of guys/girls each week so that wasn't possible. I have a strong feeling that Thayne will be one of the alternates on tour though, so I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him. He has really, seriously grown on me over the last few weeks. I don't think he is as explosive a dancer as the rest of the guys in the Top 5 (did y'all SEE Will and Twitch's solos last night??!?!?!?!!?!), but he is a really beautiful dancer, regardless of his permagrin.

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