Sunday, January 20, 2008

Waving to My Lovely Readers

It feels like forever since I've blogged! I'm sorry for that. It's been a rough start to the new year. To start with, my trusty (laugh) laptop decided to crash once again. Then I started a new part time job on campus, and school started back up. I haven't had a whole lot of free time, especially considering that (as an English major) I've had about 800 pages worth of reading to do in the last week. Oh well, c'est la vie!

So, I'll apologize in advance for my lack of blogging this semester. It likely will not happen with the frequency that I had been blogging at in prior months, and for that I am very sorry. I'm sure you will all get along just fine without me blathering on about a bunch of nothing.

I will go ahead and say though, that with my new eating habits I have already lost about 9.5 pounds! Not a bad way to start out the new year. Hopefully I can keep that going. It would be really nice to need to buy new clothes in a few months, because these are all falling off of me. REALLY nice.

I have not kept up with my Project Runway Rundown, but I'll say that I hated seeing Kevin leave, and I loved the combination of Chris and Christian in the Avante Garde challenge. FIERCE, FEROSH, and totally FABULOUS!

I also haven't kept everyone abreast of the happenings in's Rock Star: All Stars competition. At this point, we are down to the final four: JD, Marty, Mig, and Toby. Who will win? We'll have to wait and see. Be sure to head over there and cast your vote though!

I will try not to force you all to wait so long for my next blog, but I can make no promises. Au revoir! (Can you tell that I'm trying to relearn French? That's one of my classes this semester...)

1 comment:

Bouffe said...

Congrats on the weight loss! Keep it going!