Thursday, June 12, 2008

SYTYCD - Top 20 - Video

Rayven and Jamie - Hip Hop

Susie and Marquis - Smooth Waltz

Kourtni and Matt - Jazz

Chelsea and Thayne - ChaCha

Chelsie and Mark - Contemporary

Kherington and Twitch (Twitchington) - Broadway

Katee and Joshua - Hip Hop

Comfort and Chris - Jive

Jessica and Will - Tango

Courtney and Gev - Disco

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I was really bugged by the camera angle shifts every 5 seconds. Just show the freaking dance and only be creative with it when it's appropriate, ya know? Anyways, my by far favorite was the Hip Hop by Joshua and Katee. I was turned off by her at first, but you can't deny she's good, and he's just amazing. I can't WAIT for what will come tonight and the following weeks! There is soooo much talent!