Saturday, April 26, 2008


So...apparently the other online source for buying David Cook's solo album Analog Heart has also pulled it. I hate to tell y'all, but I don't know where you can get it right now. It seems like something or someone has forced this pull. I don't know whether it is David himself who has pulled the album, or some of his friends and family, or if it is the American Idol machine who are behind it. I'm sorry. I hope you all can buy it again soon!

On another note, I hate that we had to say goodbye to Carly Smithson on this week's elimination night. I think she is a phenomenal singer, and I was certain that she would be the last girl standing. Luckily, she's got a great hubby and family, and they are all being very supportive of her after her elimination. I'm sure, like Michael Johns, she will be signed to a record deal in almost no time. She deserves it.

I also understand that plans are already underway for the remaining five contestants for their hometown visits, should they make it to the Top 3. I wish I could make it out to Blue Springs, MO to support David Cook, but I don't think that's going to happen. So, instead, I'm hoping that Jason Castro winds up in the final 3, and if he does, I'll drive over to Rockwall to see him. He's not my Cookie, but he's pretty awesome in his own right. I'll be sure to bring him some Cheetos.

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