Monday, July 21, 2008


And here they


All of the usual sites are quoting each other, mainly just furthering some speculation about the pairings, and possible dances for one of the speculated couples. Nothing is really concrete. I am starting to think that we may not get anything else before the show. I hope I'm wrong, and if I am, I'll post it here.

In the meanwhile, the speculation is that the pairings will be:
Mark and Comfort
Twitch and Katee
Josh and Chelsie
Will and Courtney

Further speculation is that Mark and Comfort will be dancing Hip Hop and a Foxtrot.

BUT - all of this is speculation, and none of this is confirmed. If anything else shows up, I'll either post it or link to it. Have fun with speculation!

Oh, thing that is fairly certain - Mia Michaels will be choreographing at least one of the dances. That is based on something she said in an interview recently.

EDIT: As soon as I hit post, I find this at TWoP. That'll teach me to give up on spoilers. LOL. I'm sure more will show up from there, but that will give us a start.

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