Monday, November 5, 2007

The Price is WRONG, Bitch!

Every now and again, I watch The Price is Right. I've watched the show my whole life, on and off. I can remember watching it with my Mom before I started school. When I would be home sick, I would always flip it on and see what Bob and his Beauties were up to. I knew every pricing game they would play and I knew the good spots to place a Plinko Chip in order to win the big money.

But Bob retired earlier this year. I watched all of the prime time shows they put on right at the end. I loved that no matter what, Bob was still Bob and The Price is Right was still The Price is Right. Sure, they retired some older games and some of Barker's Beauties moved on...others came along though. But all in all, you knew what you would get when you turned the show on.

That is not the case anymore. I know the game is still pretty much the same. But there is no Bob. In his place, we have Drew Carey. And I like Drew Carey...I do...but he is not Bob Barker. I don't know. It just isn't the same, it isn't right. People don't come running up to Drew and want to give him a kiss like they did with Bob.

I don't know if I want to watch it like almost spoils the memories of Bob and his Beauties...the way he would always get a hole in one...the way he was always so supportive of our men and women in uniform...the way he always signed off with "Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered."

I miss Bob. Drew just doesn't quite cut it.

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