Monday, October 22, 2007

The Blogosphere

So I've been looking around at other blogs today...and I've found a few that are just insanely interesting to me.

For instance...I have a thing about punctuation. Yes, I tend to overuse it. But I at least use it in places that it is somewhat appropriate. The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks tickles my funny bone. An entire blog, devoted to signs where people use punctuation that they really do not need to use. It is cracking me up, reading some of these signs. Makes you wonder how some people survive in life.

Another one that I've found is Notes from Inside My Head. I'm not sure what it is about this blog...I'm not a Mom, so I don't really relate to that, but I find her writing style to be infectious. So I'll go with that. She is fun to read. I think I may have to be sure my SIL sees her blog, because she is about to be a new Mom. I'm sure if you are a parent, this one is even funnier than if you aren't.

While visiting there, I discovered Rants and Raves, complete with more Mom stories, but also thoughts on the writing process and blogging in general. She's got a great sense of humor that shines through in all of her posts.

I'll fill you in on more sometime soon...when I'm bored and go blog hunting...

1 comment:

Bouffe said...

I had seen the blog about quotaion marks before, and it totally cracked me up!!!