Monday, October 15, 2007

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Today, October 15, is Blog Action Day; a day when bloggers all over the world will be blogging about ways we can all aid in the protection of our environment. I've always been a proponent of finding ways to reduce consumption of our resources, reusing those things which can be reused, and recycling. In fact, if I remember correctly, I once did an elementary school science fair project that used Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle as its title, so I think it is only fitting for this to be what I blog about. In fact, in a lot of ways, these are the three easiest things we can ALL do that can make a difference!

What are ways that you can reduce? Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Shut down the computer if you aren't going to be using it for an hour or longer (they used to say that it took more power to restart it than it did to leave it running, but that is no longer the case!) Unplug coffee makers, toasters, and other such appliances other than when they are in use. Wash dishes by hand in the sink (with a sink full of hot, soapy water) instead of using the dish washer. Print on the fronts and backs of each page of paper. Take 5 minutes less time in the shower than you currently do. Many appliances out there today are designed to be energy efficient, so the next time you need to replace one, look for the Energy Star label. Look for Energy Star light bulbs the next time you shop for them...they use 75% less energy, and last up to 10x as long!

How can you reuse? Wash and save empty plastic containers from the grocery store for storing leftovers. Instead of trashing papers that are printed on one side, use them for scrap paper. If old clothes and furniture are still in good shape, donate them to Goodwill, the United Way, the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. Use cardboard boxes for storage organization. For more ideas, take a look at Wikipedia on reusing.

What about recycling? Not too many years ago, recycling could be a bit of a hassle. In order to recycle, you had to have various boxes and containers in your garage in order to sort things out. After you had them sorted, you had to take each item to be recycled to a different collection point. Some offered a small stipend for your recyclables, but most were just voluntary. It honestly was more trouble than a lot of people were willing to go through. But times have changed. Most cities offer recycling pickup along with garbage pickup. Some still ask that recyclables be sorted, but most just ask that they be rinsed out and placed in a proper collection bin. So what can you recycle? It depends on the facilities nearby you, but these days many items are recyclable: paper, glass, plastics, cardboard, and aluminum are the most common for collection. Also, many types of batteries can be recycled. Ink and toner cartridges can be recycled. Tires and other rubbers can often be recycled. Look here for more info and ideas: Wikipedia on recycling.

Do you have to do any of these things? No. But if we all make an effort to do at least a few of these things, we can make a big difference for the future.

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