Monday, October 29, 2007

TV Writer's Strike Looming...Rock Star on the Horizon?

So, you're like me and you loved Rock Star and you miss Rock Star, right? Well, now might be as good a time as any to tell the executives at CBS that you want more Rock Star on your TV!

The Writer's Guild is preparing to go on strike, possibly as soon as Thursday. And if that is the case, there will be no one to write the episodes of Gray's Anatomy and Lost that viewers love so much, so television executives are looking at alternative ways to fill their time slots. What does that mean for the viewers? Lots of reality television. Networks could run out of new episodes of our favorite scripted dramas and comedies possibly as early as January. So...if you want CBS or one of the other networks to pick up Rock Star for a third season, LET THEM KNOW!

How do you do that? Check out The Big Letter Writing Campaign Thread at for both snail mail and email addresses for the people to contact! And then send them a letter. And maybe send them another one tomorrow. And another on Wednesday. get the picture.

Oh yeah, and while you're already at, why don't you join us in our Rock Star: All Stars Game in order to relive great memories of why we love Rock Star so much in the first place.

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