Thursday, October 18, 2007

Strategy vs. Eye Candy

I watch Survivor - in fact, I readily admit that I'm a reality TV junkie. I even scream out to the world that I am Mark Burnett Productions' BITCH! That's right...I am hooked. Not only do I watch a lot of reality TV, but I discuss it online with other MBP Bitches. LOL. It seems there were a lot of strongly negative reactions to tonight's episode though, while I found it to be by far the most intriguing episode so far this season.

One tribe threw the Immunity Challenge, because two of the members decided it was their best overall strategy to get rid of a couple of new members to the tribe. And in all honesty, if things work out the way that they are assuming that they will, it could be a brilliant move!

Could be.

Those are the key words. There are a lot of variables involved here. Some of those variables are things which they thought of, while I'm not so certain that they thought of all of them. One thing that could disrupt their plan is for a merge to occur at any point in time other than at exactly 10 Survivors remaining in the game. They are gambling entirely on a numbers game, which often plays out...but you never know what MBP is going to throw at you next to put a wrench in all of your strategic moves. Another glitch in their scheming could be that their former tribe members who are now part of the other tribe may not stay loyal to them at the point of the merge.

In throwing these challenges, they are taking a huge risk. While it is true that they are managing to eliminate two of the strongest players before the merge (I've been saying all along that if James makes it to the merge, he could dominate like no other Survivor in history), and making it to where they will hopefully have equal numbers at the merge, many things could still disrupt their game plan. Additionally, their strategy has been revealed to their entire current tribe, and Jeff Probst could reveal it to the other tribe at a challenge. If the other tribe knows that they are attempting to throw the challenge, and realizes WHY they are attempting to throw the challenge, they could decide to follow in the same path. Who knows?

My thoughts though on loving this episode...seeing people actually make moves and strategize is intriguing. Whether you like the moves they make or not, it is interesting TV. Granted, it would have been nice to have Aaron on my TV screen for a while longer, because he is very easy on the eyes and I am a shallow bitch...but would I rather have a pretty boy sticking around and not really making interesting moves or attempting to change the course of the game, or would I rather see some real drama taking place? I go for the drama. At least, as long as I'm not personally involved. LOL.

So for me, strategy wins, hands down.

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